The Atelier

89++ 1 2+ people

An Atelier is the French name for ‘an artist’s studio’, and for those un-initiated in the particulars of Indonesian architecture, the rustic charm and artistic intricacies of The Atelier will be a real treat. Built from hardwoods salvaged and shipped to Bali, the style is that of the traditional Indonesian ‘long house’ which originates in slightly different forms in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

The king sized bed; white, inviting, and strewn with plush cushions faces out onto the wide terrace. The sun bathed kitchen and living room presents a cozy second space. A very spacious semi-alfresco and utterly tropical ensuite lies at the far end. The effect is incredibly cozy, and while The Atelier is ideal for a couple, there’s easily enough room for another two guests on extra beds.

This long building runs almost the entire length of the swimming pool and is in prime position for a dip or to keep an eye on the kids splashing about while you sit back and relax.

Please enquire directly for the best rates.

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